The price we set for the purchase of your car may differ from the sales price on the private market, and this difference is influenced by several factors. In the private market, sales prices are often considered "negotiating prices", with a negotiating margin of typically 10-20%. Moreover, in the private market, "wish prices" often occur, which reflect a subjective valuation of the car by the seller and can differ significantly from the car's actual market value. As professional buyers, we also face significant costs when buying your vehicle, such as repair costs, storage, and transportation costs. These costs should be factored in when determining the purchase price.
Selling to individuals also involves significant costs for you as a seller, such as time and money spent answering phone calls, investing in advertisements, arranging appointments and test drives. Moreover, as a professional buyer, we also bear significant costs such as repair costs, vehicle storage and transport, as well as our team's time and expertise. It is also important to note that there are risks associated with transactions with individuals, such as the risk of fraud (e.g. counterfeit money, lack of vehicle re-registration, cheque fraud) or theft after receiving cash.